....For these things (fornication, gossip, violence) Paul says in Corinth, is that the wrath of God will come upon mankind. The objective that God traces in the Bible for man is that the spirit and its reasons triumph over the body and its passions, the superior above, because reason sees, thinks, calculates, analyzes, goes ahead, reinsures survival, the emotions and the body do not do any of this, they only want pleasure here and now, whoever falls and whatever it costs. Even if it means eternity in hell.... The devil wants to objectify us, he wants us to be like the illuminati logo of lady Gaga, a doll without a head, slave of the flesh. He wants us to devolve from subject to object. The search for pleasure must be done with prudence, says a wise saying, moreover, that this is intelligent, because living exacerbating the pleasures destroys or burns the bulbs of sensitivity, then we want more and more and it becomes addictive and that is destructive ..., the search for pleasure must be done with prudence .... We must learn to live with the minimum amount of dopamine in the brain, NOT WITH THE MAXIMUM.... Dopamine is the hormone of pleasure. We must also refine our senses to feel pleasure of the superior, because to fornicate, to take drugs, to drink, yes, it is pleasant, but it is an added pleasure the self-control, self-control, to enjoy a great power of willpower, not to be a slave of the inferior and animal part of oneself, but to be its master. Enjoyed when I want, I command and I am my higher self. My spirit that knows better than my body what I should do. Do not let yourself be handled like a brainless ass by the devil because he masters you as you do your obedient pet, with the difference that what he does to you ...he is taking you to hell. To be or not to be, that is the question, let us remember that deception and self-deception are two sides of the same coin. Let us be objective and recognize the truth: God is good and the devil is evil; and destructive sin everything that the bible censures is dysfunctional, counterproductive, irrational in the short or long run, directly or indirectly for man, all that God wants with his law is that we reach the optimum degree of being, individually and collectively. What does the Bible say? It fulfills the law that is the source of life. What does Satanism say? Do what you want... chaos, destruction and death. If we are to associate and man is designed to associate, we will always need an impartial law to govern us and objectively play out the frictions that will inevitably exist. Law is life, sin is dead, obvious and logical. You know what would be a mandatory pillar for the whole world of the New World Order illuminati Reptilian anti-Christian Reptile, Et,?..... MANDATORY PORNOGRAPHY! They want us mindless and energetic that we do not even care about the spirit, the reason, the light, they want to isolate us forever from God. Fly with the wings of the spirit that Jesus gave us: wisdom, love, truth, justice, brotherhood, praise to God, which is the highest that man can reach, much more than nirvana, so you know where to start. God bless you and may the light enlighten you and open your eyes and heart to his word, Christ and his salvation from God. A psalm says: Those who come near me I make them taste salvation .... Of course, God is light ... Well, far away in the darkness and sleepy I would not mind going to hell... but there is someone who is hunting you... And Christ wants to spare you that pain. Come to your senses, reflect and wake up, AND ESCAPE FROM YOUR VERDUGES. Blessings from God and Cristorey. Hold on souls and may the spirit triumph over the flesh. God Bless you....BECAUSE ILLUMINATI AND WITCHES WILL ROT IN LIFE IF THEY DO NOT REPENT. Because the delusional ZOMBIAN APOCALYPSE would have a perfect logical and Biblical base. In Zechariah 14:16 God says "those who fight against Jerusalem shall have their tongue and their eye in their socket rot away" word plus word, God says this. Let us think because this is perfectly rational and obvious. God is the Father of the life of men, He did not give a body and that is the first prize and gift for being from God, and He warned us: there is salvation only in Me, do not go with pagan gods because they will be your perdition". If one betrays God and goes with paganism or Satan, you are attempting against the very life you enjoy, and you are allowing your body to be taken away, to be possessed, gradually alienated by evil entities that hate the creation of Yahweh and want to destroy it completely, which is the life of man. The devil plots with men who are traitors of their own descendants and their own brothers and to exterminate them as mediocre and sinners (the illuminati par excellence) when they are the worst and the most traitors of humanity and of themselves, incoherent and irrational. Nefarious beings. Repent. And obviously the evil one then plots with others to exterminate them. For his nature is to betray, and he evil rewards those who serve him well. Well, he thinks to betray the illuminati and after they left 10%, he will eliminate that same 10%, the illuminati, to be able to say: "mission accomplished, finish with man". But it will fail, God has glorious plans for this mankind, that not everyone will see, only those who are the best version of themselves and go to the best of the possible worlds where the word of God is fulfilled, in the rest chaos and destruction. So, if Israel and Jerusalem symbolize the center of God's work: life itself and you fight against it, being alive you attempt against life, what is the natural punishment that God will send you? to rot in life. Obvious, logical and natural. In order not to rot in life read the book of Joel, 2 pages, and you will know how to be the best version of yourself and reconcile with God and calm his wrath for this sinful and treacherous world, where the best attitude is always that of Jesus: have mercy Father because they do not know what they are doing. Come because Jesus is the Christ of Yahweh, because he preached the forgiveness that is life. And the sorcerer deep down hates himself and knows that he will be betrayed and that is what he wants, he should forgive himself, reconcile with himself and return to God. Because God is the merciful one and the devil the spiteful one, not the other way around! to be or not to be... that is the question. Repent. Reason differentiates us from the animals and objectivity from the mediocre. Let us pray. Praise God and Cristorey


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